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The Bible says to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) but what does that look like practically? It means to invite God into every aspect of our day and acknowledge Him in all our ways! Although we know we CAN and SHOULD pray all throughout the day, it can feel like life is stacked against us! That’s why these stack bracelets have been a LIFE CHANGER for my relationship with God!
I don’t know about you, but for this mom and business owner, I can easily go from being in the Word to being in my phone and find myself distracted by worldly pursuits that crowd out my prayer life. That is why it was so important for me to have the G.R.A.S.P. prayer method as a way to remain in constant contact with God!
I got the inspiration from a speaker in the business world who used stack bracelets as a way to stay accountable to sharing her business opportunity daily. Being a very business-oriented person already, I realized I didn’t need any help staying accountable to growing my business but did need help staying accountable to keeping my eyes on God as my first priority.
I immediately thought to myself, “wouldn’t it be cool if instead of sharing the opportunity 5 times a day, I shared the gospel”!
Then I giggled to myself and thought “I’m not that type of evangelist”!
So, I prayed, “God, how can I use this business method to glorify you?”
And He asked me, “what do you do everyday to stay close to me?”
I decided to write down how I pray. As I was writing, I discovered it was an acronym “G.R.A.S.P.”
G - Gratitude
R - Repent
A - Armor
S - Surrender
P - Petition
The definition of grasp means “To hold fast to; to hold tight.” How fitting! Yes, I needed this reminder to hold His hand tightly and everything else loosely. As believers in Christ, we are instructed to seek the Kingdom FIRST and then all else will be added to us. The G.R.A.S.P. bracelets are a physical reminder to cling to God’s hand supernaturally! Throughout the day we can remain in Him with simple quick prayers to guide our thoughts and actions.
These bracelets are a daily reminder to hold His hand and rely on His instructions, wisdom, and strength in all we do.
I hope that these bracelets become part of your everyday attire, clothing you in His strength and dignity. I pray that they not onlu increase your prayer life but guide you into to His word throughout the day which is why every set includes a bookmark for your Bible.
Your Sister-in-Christ,
Rae Allina